Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Future of Marine Communication in Navy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Future of Marine Communication in Navy - Essay Example As Harris has said, "Communications is everything, it's the ability to pass information down to our units that are supporting us and are working in our group, and up to our bosses so that they have a feeling of assuredness that we're doing the right thing in a timely fashion, and we're answering their questions, as well". (http://www.news.navy.mil) In 1916, telephone and telegraph on a trial basis connected the United States Navy Department. The result of these tests was so satisfactory that the department proposed to arrange for a non-stop direct long-distance service by telephone and telegraph. From these preliminary experiments, developed the current concept of communications through wireless means as radio and data links. The latest technology trends in naval communication is Marcom, a digital integrated voice / data switching system for affordable command and control equipment supporting communications and radio room automation. It uses the latest technology to offer the user a command and control system that is inexpensive, user friendly, and a solution to the complex voice, video and data communications needs of current and future endeavours. L-3 Communication Systems-East designs, located in New Jersey, has developed this technology. "Marcom has the flexibility to support integration with both legacy and modern communi cation systems like automated radio rooms based on network radios like JTRS. Applications include: shipboard / mobile interior and exterior communications; radio base band circuit switching; air traffic control; secure switching; and command and control centres." This virtually caters for all that the Navy needs today. (http://www.naval-technology.com) Selex Communications is another naval communications provider which specialises in different aspects of communication system design including: New-generation radio transmitters, transceivers, receivers and ancillaries covering the VLF to SHF frequency range to meet the communication requirements of strategic and tactical military operations New generation wideband switches for wire, fibre-optic and wireless communication networks, supporting and extending the ATM and IP modes of operation in compliance with the security requirements of military applications Multi-function, multi-algorithm crypto devices for information security over wire and wire less channels" (http://www.naval-technology.com) In conformity with these requirements, it has been providing Ship-Shore-Ship Buffer Stations for NATO Navies Italian satellite program (SICRAL) and tactical land-based/ship board/airborne terminals NATO BRASS program, a network of shore- based stations to support Naval Broadcast and Ship-Shore services. It also provides external communications subsystem for plain/secure voice/data communication between the ship and the out side world, consisting of radio equipment with ancillaries and antennas to include: HF transceivers (SRT-175/N, SRT-674/E and SRT-2006 families) VLF/LF/MF/HF receivers of the MSC SR-1022/N family Broadband, fan-type and narrowband HF whip antennas V/UHF transceivers (S

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Managing coastal environments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing coastal environments - Essay Example In 1950-1970s, one of the methods used to achieve protection is the establishment of hard rock protections. Although the said method is aimed to minimize the effects of coastal erosion, it caused negative effects such as the increase of the power of the energy waves that can hit the land. This can be attributed to the magnification of wave action that intensified the momentum of the waves. The accumulation of knowledge on the basis of research and data gathering, the advancement of new methods led to the continuous improvement of methods to lessen the effects of coastal erosion. There are different strategies that can be cited that were applied and empirically observed in different localities and countries. One of the examples of methods applied is located in Townsville, North Queensland. The case of the said locality is having natural erosion in the coast in relation to the two tropical cyclones that affected the area for two consecutive years. The protections that had been established had not been enough to sustain the effects of the erosion. This had effects in the tourism of the area since the recreational beaches, which are the main source of livelihood, became seriously eroded. For that matter, actions had been taken by the local council and the authorities to be able to restore facilities to prepare for the vacation season. Included on the proposed action plan is the establishment of new facilities for the tourists, restoration of the beach and construction of four rock headlands to slow the waves and trap sediments. Through the state legislations and redevelopment proposals, the main sources of funding are the state disaster fund and the council supplementary fund. Another case is the Tweed River in New South Wales which is human induced erosion. Actions were taken to be able to keep the river mouth clear on the basis of the susceptibility to erosion. The training